
Posts tagged with: FICO

  Credit makes you look good but only if you play by the rules. In this episode, Merrill Chandler guides you on how to manage your installment loans to create positive scores for your FICO. He clarifies the difference between...
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  Having many credit cards may have its advantages, but it can be a total headache when the bill comes especially when you’ve used one card after another. In this episode, Merrill Chandler talks about reporting dates and how to...
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  An aim towards positive account scoring with the maximum number of points possible for your file is a necessary goal. Merrill Chandler shows how this can be achieved by sharing the actual secret list that FICO uses to evaluate...
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  A lot of people don’t have any clue how lenders are making more money out of them. The credit score pyramid, invented by Merrill Chandler himself, shows how lenders are making more money off of you without leaving you...
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  There are people who want to take advantage of your ignorance for their profit. The good news is you can save yourself from all these scams if you are well-equipped with knowledge about credit scores and how they function....
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    It’s hard to imagine that many are losing opportunities simply because they are being cheated by a scoring system. This is how others are going through with Dun and Bradstreet’s Paydex. In this episode, Merrill Chandler and Brad...
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  Everyone in the funding world has their own goals and motivations for their actions. Sometimes because of this, friction is created that so often impact people’s fundability™ and credit approvals. In this episode, host Merrill Chandler introduces these funding game...
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