
Posts tagged with: Financial Literacy

  Your mistakes don’t define you. In fact, they are essential for self-discovery and success. They teach you a lot and help you grow. Having seen the bottom and climbed her way back up, Melissa Houston shares how she concealed...
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  If you’re not a savvy, educated or strategic borrower, watch out. The slew of credit products disguised to not even look like credit products are unbelievable. On today’s show, Merrill Chandler does a deep dive into these consumer trends...
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  The pandemic has changed a lot in the world—the banking system is one as people transition to going online instead of going to bank branches. How do banks reward borrowers and depositors for positive borrower behaviors? Merrill Chandler explores...
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  There is no shortage of financial literacy resources out there, but do they really teach you what you need to know if you’re looking to get fundable as a borrower, especially in these tough times? In this episode, you’ll...
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