Credit scores determine the borrowers’ access to money from lenders. Low credit does affect your chances of getting lenders to borrow you the money, but having bad credit is not the end. Doing your due diligence and seeking help...
The real estate industry can be sometimes fickle. Making that first deal can be a very daunting task that one needs to overcome to get their drive on. Today, Merrill Chandler interviews real estate investors Jen Conkey and Stacy Conkey about their diverse...
If you could read the minds of bankers, would you? Fortunately, you don’t need to summon psychic abilities for this one. Merrill Chandler sits down with a former Tier 4 banker turned business owner, Brandon Bailey, to share with...
Many would set a goal and wonder, “Hey! I’ve been setting this goal, and still, why couldn’t I make it?” In this episode, Becky Nova, the Founder of Lady Landlords, talks about how she’s helping women reach their financial...