One area for concern when trying to improve your credit score is a mortgage late report from your lenders. In this episode, Merrill Chandler has you covered on how a 30-day mortgage late will affect you. How does it...
How can you improve your game as a professional borrower? The answer lies in using the right inquiries. In this episode, Merrill Chandler talks about inquiries and how they affect your score and fundability™. During this financial crisis, inquiries...
FICO never seizes to impress us. Today, Merrill Chandler talks about some interesting tactics and strategies that are being used by one credit bureau and by FICO to create a more inclusive credit score. The question is does that...
A failing credit account is absolutely bad news for your fundability™ in the long run. Just one mistake can cause your account to fall into a continuous state of degradation, accumulating points you could have avoided. Merill Chandler discusses...
It is the holiday season, and many of us are going to be spending a little extra on gifts and other activities. Just as our pockets become vulnerable at this time of the year, our fundability™ may suffer, too....
Banks and smaller businesses rely on FICO to measure our credit line with their algorithms. That is why it is important that we have some knowledge with regards to how we are being measured as it would give us...
A lot of people are unaware of how FICO calculates credit scores. In this episode, host Merrill Chandler interviews David Smith, a FICO Liquid Credit Liaison, about how one can have a better credit score to make themselves and...
Your FICO score might just be one of the most important elements of your credit application. Because so many lenders use the FICO system, it might be best for you to get acquainted in the ways you can help...
With some of the biggest gift-giving holidays coming up, merchant cards are back in season. These cards you get during your holiday shopping nab you discounts or free stuff, but do you know that there’s also a hidden risk...
Should you close your revolving account or not? This is one of the few emailed answers from the question, “What would you like to know about fundability™?” that Merrill Chandler and Brad Burnett tackles on today’s episode. As they...