Investor attitude has changed across generations. Today, Merrill Chandler proudly interviews his own daughter, Sharon Chandler, about building her credit profile. Sharon has been teaching Millennial investors like her about the right way to invest in this modern economy....
Banks and smaller businesses rely on FICO to measure our credit line with their algorithms. That is why it is important that we have some knowledge with regards to how we are being measured as it would give us...
In this episode, fundability™ expert Merrill Chandler teaches you how to order business credit reports so you can spot deal killers and red flags. Using CreditSense, LLC, follow his step-by-step guide on which options to choose, what data to...
This is a follow up on the episode about installment loans contributing to the weightiness of your borrower profile. Today, Merrill Chandler shows how the system can support you in tripling fundability™ points for every single installment loan. Educating us...
Your personal profile is crucial to your fundability™. In this episode, Merrill Chandler talks about how focusing on your personal profile, the goose that lays the golden egg, and optimizing it has powerful funding results on your timeline. He...
Should you close your revolving account or not? This is one of the few emailed answers from the question, “What would you like to know about fundability™?” that Merrill Chandler and Brad Burnett tackles on today’s episode. As they...
Credit makes you look good but only if you play by the rules. In this episode, Merrill Chandler guides you on how to manage your installment loans to create positive scores for your FICO. He clarifies the difference between...
An aim towards positive account scoring with the maximum number of points possible for your file is a necessary goal. Merrill Chandler shows how this can be achieved by sharing the actual secret list that FICO uses to evaluate...
New borrowers can easily be misled by lenders when it comes to using credits scores for approval. In this episode, we are going to be talking about how lenders, FICO, and the entire funding game players use credit scores...
Today, it can be very easy to be lured by offers encouraging us to buy this and buy that. In this episode, Merrill Chandler teaches how not to fall prey to companies like Credit Karma which attract people to...