Having many credit cards may have its advantages, but it can be a total headache when the bill comes especially when you’ve used one card after another. In this episode, Merrill Chandler talks about reporting dates and how to...
Your credit cards impact your profile either for the good or the bad. In this episode, Merrill Chandler guides us in determining where ours stand by helping us understand what is called a revolving account portfolio. He also talks...
An aim towards positive account scoring with the maximum number of points possible for your file is a necessary goal. Merrill Chandler shows how this can be achieved by sharing the actual secret list that FICO uses to evaluate...
New borrowers can easily be misled by lenders when it comes to using credits scores for approval. In this episode, we are going to be talking about how lenders, FICO, and the entire funding game players use credit scores...
A lot of people don’t have any clue how lenders are making more money out of them. The credit score pyramid, invented by Merrill Chandler himself, shows how lenders are making more money off of you without leaving you...
Today, it can be very easy to be lured by offers encouraging us to buy this and buy that. In this episode, Merrill Chandler teaches how not to fall prey to companies like Credit Karma which attract people to...
We take one of the greatest mysteries about credit scores that keep you back from being fundable. In this episode, Merrill Chandler shows how lenders and FICO dangle the idea of a credit score in front of us so...
Everyone in the funding world has their own goals and motivations for their actions. Sometimes because of this, friction is created that so often impact people’s fundability™ and credit approvals. In this episode, host Merrill Chandler introduces these funding game...
Not many are aware that identity is crucial to being fundable. That is why it’s important to understand how to make your identity part of your fundability™, how to save your identity from theft or fraud, and how to...
Take a deep dive into a whole new paradigm shift in this episode where host Merrill Chandler talks about the untold price that you pay for being un-fundable. Merrill explains the ways you could be un-fundable and the literal...